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GovTech Connect Bootcamp | MyPolis

Published on: 06/03/2024 Last update: 27/03/2024 Document

In educational settings, MyPolis has revolutionized the traditional classroom by transforming it into a hub of active participation, ushering in a new era of Citizenship Education that emphasizes direct community engagement. This innovative approach has garnered overwhelmingly positive feedback, with 99% of teachers who have collaborated with MyPolis recognizing the value of this transformation.

Building on this success, MyPolis has developed a range of educational tools and games designed to teach children and young adults the importance of active citizenship in an engaging and enjoyable manner. These initiatives have not only fostered a sense of community and cooperation among participants but have also made a tangible impact on local communities.

MyPolis has established a vital digital communication channel that connects young people directly with local representatives, leading to significant achievements in various regions. These accomplishments include tree planting initiatives, the introduction of inclusive services for the visually impaired, the creation of a solidarity stationery store, the establishment of school vegetable gardens, the addition of more bus stops, the organization of a solidarity fair that collected half a ton of food, and efforts to combat bullying in schools—all driven by the proactive involvement of youth through MyPolis.

For more details on this remarkable organization and its contributions, please explore their presentation below. Join MyPolis in their mission to empower the next generation of participatory citizens and make a lasting difference in communities around the world.



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