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A new release of VocBench3 is available

Go for Linked (Open) Data!

Published on: 29/09/2019 Last update: 29/09/2020 News

VocBench3 is the most mature OSS platform for advanced thesaurus management and the only existing system providing in a single offer combined support for OWL ontologies, SKOS (and SKOS-XL) thesauri and Ontolex lexicons: its full compliance with W3C standards makes it a perfect platform for the evolution of many organizations and authorities towards production and publication of Linked Open Data.

The newest and most user-friendly version, VocBench 3 v8.0, offers improved visualisation, easier editing of thesauri and dedicated support for ontologies, thesauri, SKOS standards, OntoLex-Lemon lexicons and any other kind of RDF dataset. Additionally, the new version includes several new features (for more details click here).

In addition to essential collaborative features (multi-user management, role definition, control of access), VocBench 3 provides a mechanism that allows users to link any RDF resource, which is inside a project and loaded into VocBench 3, to a collaboration platform such as JIRA. A change-tracking mechanism is implemented in the history feature and grants collaborative editing in the integrated validation workflow.